Project Announcement: CyAge
Research of Cyanobacterial Natural Compounds for the Treatment of Aging-Related Diseases
With the worldwide increase in life expectancy, the treatment of aging-related diseases and conditions is becoming increasingly important in healthcare. The goal of this project is to extend both the duration and quality of a healthy life by researching new bioactive natural compounds that can prevent or counteract signs of aging.
Research Approach:
Building on promising preliminary results, this project focuses on secondary metabolites derived from cyanobacteria. These organisms have evolved over 3.5 billion years and exhibit potent bioactive properties. Particularly interesting is the class of non-ribosomal peptides, which often have novel and diverse structures, possess high bioactive potential, and are being investigated as senotherapeutics.
Screening and Characterization:
The project partners Simris Biologics GmbH and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW) have identified screening hits from cyanobacteria that have shown life-extending effects in yeast. These promising substances are now being analyzed using cutting-edge technologies to determine their senotherapeutic potential and underlying mechanisms of action.
The identified drug candidates can be employed either as pure compounds in a non-targeted approach or as bioconjugates in a targeted strategy. For the targeted approach, identified drug candidates are coupled as payloads to antibodies. Within the CyAge project, antibodies that recognize aging-specific antigens on senescent (aged) cells will be utilized.
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADC):
The research on these antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) will, by the end of the project, demonstrate the feasibility of selectively eliminating senescent cells.
Economic Potential:
Based on the current growth in the field of targeted cancer therapies using ADCs, the economic potential of the project results is considered highly promising.
Projektduration: 01.09.2024 – 31.08.2027